At the time of Emma's diagnosis, we did not find many other children or contacts within the UK who were in the same Perthes boat. We decided to keep this diary and hope in time it will help others.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Second consultant appointment August 15th 2008

What do we need to ask? What stage was Emma's Perthes at? What level of Perthes was it? What measurements would be done? Another x-ray? I gathered the questions in my head. We purchased a diary in the airport to keep track of dates, appointments, events and when she had her medicine. I wrote a few keywords to remind me.

We arrived early as the letter said there maybe a need for an x-ray, so Andy was on his way from work. We were called in early and saw the Registrar first, I was hoping we would see the consultant and Andy hadn't arrived yet! The registrar read the notes and then examined Emma's range of movement (ROM). I told him how well she was doing from the swimming and exercises we had done. He did some simple movements like how far she could move her straight leg out laterally. Not very far! He said he thought it was still very tight and to wait for the consulant to take a look.

Andy arrived in time and the consulant examined Emma's ROM. 'Still too tight, let's try skin traction for 4 weeks, just at nightime and a few hours during the day while she watches TV.'

4 weeks! That was longer then we expected but we were sent to the children's ward to get a home traction kit. The consultant explained it was too soon for another x-ray but the most important thing to do was to solve the irritable hip and eliminate the contrated tendon as it was pulling the head into a bad position. So I did not manage to ask my questions save one on physio therapy, he did not think that was a good idea at this stage as a pull could be made in the wrong direction.

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