At the time of Emma's diagnosis, we did not find many other children or contacts within the UK who were in the same Perthes boat. We decided to keep this diary and hope in time it will help others.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

26th August

We met with the registrar today. Emma made him laugh, as soon as he closed the curtains she said 'look at this' and before anyone could say anything she stetched her legs quite far apart. 'That's very good Emma!' he smiled.

He examined her in more detail, holding her hips still, it was very good! he asked if I could remember what the consultant had said about continuing traction or not! But decided she was doing well and to come back in two weeks where they'll probably do more x-rays to see how things are going.

Such good news! but of course has the slight down side, Emma is now is feeling so good she keeps forgetting she is still on restricted activities. She keeps playing games and running! I've sat her down twice now to say she still can't run or jump even though she is has no pain, the limp is there still a little, some days more then others.

I guess we wait in anticipation for the next appoinment!

It's hard at this time to think what may lay ahead. I read about other children with Perthes and wonder what lies ahead for Emma and us. We've been told this can be a long path and we don't know what route it will take, but I think for now we can be happy that Emma is very cheerful and in no great pain;-)

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