At the time of Emma's diagnosis, we did not find many other children or contacts within the UK who were in the same Perthes boat. We decided to keep this diary and hope in time it will help others.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Holiday in Turkey 2008

Our consultant said it was OK to go on holiday and to continue her Nurofen doses 3 times per day. Lots of swimming and the heat would do us all good but especially for Emma. We were hoping that spending so much time in the pool and the warmth would ease her tight tendon and muscle.

We had a couple of mishaps, falling onto her bottom the first day because she was running on the pool side. It is so hard to constantly tell her 'No' but she did slow down. Emma made friends with another little girl, Emma was so happy to have someone to play with, but soon she was running a little and jumping a few times into the paddling pool. We discussed just how much to tell her and what can she understand, again we sat her down and tried to tell her how she must be careful.

The mini disco showed how good she actually can be at looking after herself. The first time we just watched, it was the third time we had visited this resort so the staff already knew Emma so she did know most of the songs and dances. The next time she joined in and when the movement was too fast or invloved jumping she came and sat out. I tried to encourage her to just bend her knees to the music when the jumping was involved, that worked on a few occasions.
No jumping, how far do you take it? How much damage can be caused? A little boy pushed Emma off the stage, a drop of about 2 feet. I shouted out not realising she had been pushed, 'It wasn't my fault mummy'. How can other children be wary when your child looks so normal?

We began some simple exercises, front leg raises and sitting in a frog-leg position, letting gravity help stretch the muscle. By the end of the holiday Emma could almost sit cross-legged we thought she had improved greatly. Our next visit to the consultant would determine just how well she had done - would she still need traction? Or would she need the tenotomy?

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