At the time of Emma's diagnosis, we did not find many other children or contacts within the UK who were in the same Perthes boat. We decided to keep this diary and hope in time it will help others.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

November 16th appointment

Emma had a repeat x-ray. I was prepared for another long wait for her to be ready for her surgery. The consultant said when we first met him back in March that we needed to wait for the weakness and crumbling to finish before performing the valgus osteotomy. Also the supporting bones of her leg needed to be strong. He now felt it was time to put her on the list for this surgery. Although she still had some weakness, some bone had regrown on the outside.

It looked to me that her head was displaced by about 2 fifths - slightly under halfway. Emma had virtually no rotation now and wiggles as she walks. We were shown her arthrogram, there was pooling of dye in the socket and the cartilage looked like it was wrapped around the socket edge - not a smooth shape but had a dent caused by the impingement.

We asked what would happen if we did nothing and were shown other x-rays. Her socket would eventually open out and no longer be a cup shape. She will not have good hip sadly, but he will do his best to give her some movement and reduce pain levels. If we had a hip like that we would be in agony!

So Emma will have a valgus osteotomy in Jan or Feb 2010.

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