At the time of Emma's diagnosis, we did not find many other children or contacts within the UK who were in the same Perthes boat. We decided to keep this diary and hope in time it will help others.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Waiting for re-schedule of operation

Emma was due to have her tenotomy operation last week, but the brace hadn't arrived in time. So for now it has been postponed. The brace is coming from America - perhaps it got delayed in the elections going on.

Last weekend we thought we'd take the girls for some fun time, as we thought Emma wouldn't feel like going out much after the operation. We had a nice meal out, then on the sunday we took them to a small local wildlife park where we got to feed the animals, watch the funny otters, pet a snake, skunk, bearded dragon. Emma did make use of the buggy we have on loan from the Perthes Association.

Emma enjoyed feeding the zebra.

The otters were lots of fun; mum, dad and six babies.

We are noticing more and more how short Emma's left leg is, She is walking with a straight leg again, not bending her knee properly. This cannot be doing her muscles much good. I think she needs to see a physio to teach her how to walk better. Emma has experienced pain in her right leg, especially the knee. The last few days at school she has asked for the buggy to take her to school - OK this is downhill, but at hometime too - not so good uphill ;-). I'm not sure if she is being lazy on some days, or it is becoming an effort.

Emma's class had made her a lovely card. It was huge with lots of little letters and pictures inside wishing her well. I then had to tell them the operation got cancelled. But it was a lovely thought.

The girls had some fun at halloween, I had two pirate ghosts!

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